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Ikigai – how to find your life purpose

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Do you know your life purpose? Can you spell it out loud and clear and in a concise manner? If no, then don’t worry. This article can help you find your life purpose or Ikigai.

Most people in the world don’t know their life purpose. They have been running a race and mostly looking at themselves from the lens of others.

You might be wondering how does it help to know your life purpose. Well, it is the very reason for your existence. It is the one thing that will make you jump out of the bed every morning.

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”

Mark Twain

Ikigai is the Japanese concept of the secret of a happy life.

ikigai - life purpose

The below four questions can help you find your purpose or direction in life.

  1. What do you love doing? These are activities that you can do endlessly during your free time
  2. What are you good at? These are your strengths. Activities that you can do well
  3. What can you be paid for? These are activities that help you earn money
  4. What does the world need? These are activities that make the world a better place to live

Start with answering each of the above four questions. The common activities or the intersection of all the above four areas is your Ikigai or Life purpose.

As an entrepreneur or a professional, you are likely to be earning money by performing certain activities that you are good at. Now you can ask yourself, if you also love doing what you do, or you are doing it for the sake of earning. If the latter is true, then your current profession is not your life purpose. And in case, you also love doing what you do in your profession, then you need to ask yourself whether you are making the world a better place to live. One has to be very lucky to be finding a profession that one loves and is proud of making a difference in the world.

It is a process of self-discovery. The more you think around these questions, the more you look inward, the more clarity you get.

Knowing your life purpose will give you a clear direction in life. A new perspective that will guide you in making the future choices in life.


Book – “Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life


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